Mountain Culture

Behind the Brew – A Look at Mountain Culture’s Head Brewer

Mountain Culture’s Roots

DJ McCready’s journey into the world of brewing began with a friendly homebrew competition in 2007, where a desire to outshine his flatmate ignited his passion for the craft. This drive eventually led him to volunteer at a local brewery, eager to absorb knowledge from their head brewer. By 2011, DJ had assumed the role of head brewer himself and later transitioned into overseeing the experimental program at one of the United States’ largest breweries, Oskar Blues, before the allure of new challenges drew him to Australia in 2014.

In Australia, DJ crossed paths with Harriet, who quickly recognized his brewing prowess during a date where he garnered beer awards. The couple’s shared love for climbing mountains and exploring iconic breweries in Europe planted the seed for their own brewing venture. This dream materialized in 2017 when they converted an old Civic Video store in the Blue Mountains into the hub of Mountain Culture Brewing, setting the stage for a remarkable journey in the world of craft beer.

Becoming a Brewer

In 2007, a friendly homebrew competition between DJ and his flat mate ignited DJ’s brewing journey. His thirst to surpass his competitor motivated him to volunteer at a local brewery, where he soaked up knowledge from their head brewer. Fast forward to 2011, DJ found himself stepping into the shoes of that head brewer before heading on to spearhead the experimental wing at one of the USA’s largest breweries, Oskar Blues. The passion for brewing was ingrained in his journey, leading him to Australia, where he crossed paths with Harriet, who found herself drawn to his brewing prowess after witnessing his knack for winning beer awards on one of their early dates.

By 2014, the duo, while exploring mountains and iconic breweries in Europe, began to dream about establishing their own brewery. Amidst renovations and challenges, they set up Mountain Culture in the picturesque Blue Mountains in 2019, firmly planting themselves in the heart of the local community and the craft beer scene. The path to becoming a brewer was not without its twists and turns, but for DJ and Harriet, it was a journey marked by resilience, determination, and a relentless pursuit of crafting exceptional brews that resonate with their shared vision.

Passion for Craft Beer

DJ McCready’s journey into the world of craft beer began with a friendly homebrew competition that sparked his passion for brewing. His determination to outshine his flat mate led him to immerse himself in the art of brewing by volunteering at a local Penrith Brewery, ultimately paving the way for a successful career as a head brewer. From humble beginnings in a living room to managing the experimental program at a prominent US brewery, DJ’s unwavering dedication to mastering his craft has been a driving force behind Mountain Culture’s success.

Harriet McCready, the Creative Director and Co-Founder of Mountain Culture, may not have had prior knowledge of the brewing industry, but her unwavering belief in DJ’s brewing prowess laid the foundation for the brewery’s inception. Drawing on her background in women’s magazines, Harriet played a pivotal role in shaping the brewery’s brand identity through storytelling and creative direction. Together, DJ and Harriet’s shared passion for craft beer and commitment to quality have fueled Mountain Culture’s journey to becoming a renowned name in the brewing industry.

The Brewing Process

The brewing process begins with selecting the finest ingredients, from malted barley to hops and yeast. These components are carefully measured and combined in a mash tun, where hot water is added to create a sugary liquid known as wort. The wort is then boiled and hops are added at specific times to contribute bitterness, flavor, and aroma to the final brew.

After boiling, the wort is rapidly cooled and transferred to fermentation tanks where yeast is added. This magical ingredient consumes the sugars in the wort, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide as byproducts. The fermentation process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the beer style and desired flavor profile. Once fermentation is complete, the beer is conditioned, carbonated, and then it’s ready to be packaged and enjoyed by beer enthusiasts eager to experience the fruits of the brewer’s labor.

Mountain Culture’s Signature Beers

Mountain Culture Brewing has become synonymous with innovative and diverse beer offerings that showcase the brewery’s commitment to quality and creativity. From their award-winning Status Quo Pale Ale to the experimental Cult Juice NEIPA, each brew reflects the passion and expertise of the brewers behind Mountain Culture. With a focus on using high-quality ingredients and pushing the boundaries of traditional beer styles, Mountain Culture’s signature beers are not just beverages but expressions of artistry and dedication to the craft of brewing.

One standout from Mountain Culture’s lineup is their Imperial Raspberry Stout, a rich and decadent beer that marries the bold flavors of dark malts with the tartness of ripe raspberries. This unique brew exemplifies the brewery’s willingness to challenge norms and create beers that excite the palate and spark conversation among beer enthusiasts. As Mountain Culture continues to push the boundaries of brewing, we can expect to see more innovative and boundary-pushing beers that reflect the brewery’s unwavering commitment to excellence and creativity.

Challenges Faced as a Head Brewer

Navigating the intricacies of balancing creativity with consistency can be a significant challenge for head brewers. Ensuring that each batch of beer maintains the desired flavor profiles and quality standards requires a keen attention to detail and a meticulous approach to the brewing process. Additionally, staying ahead of ever-evolving consumer preferences and trends while remaining true to the brewery’s identity can present a constant juggling act for head brewers, requiring them to constantly innovate and adapt to the dynamic craft beer landscape.

Beyond the craft itself, head brewers often face operational challenges such as managing production schedules, sourcing ingredients, and maintaining equipment. From troubleshooting mechanical issues to coordinating with suppliers and distributors, the role of a head brewer demands a diverse skill set that goes beyond just brewing beer. Juggling these diverse responsibilities can be daunting, but it is a constant reminder of the multifaceted nature of the brewing industry and the need for adaptability and resilience in the face of challenges.

Innovation in Brewing Techniques

With a relentless pursuit of excellence and a commitment to pushing the boundaries of brewing, Mountain Culture Brewing has consistently strived to innovate and experiment with new techniques. From incorporating unique ingredients to exploring innovative brewing processes, the brewery has embraced a culture of continuous improvement and creativity.

One of the key aspects of Mountain Culture’s innovation in brewing techniques lies in their dedication to sourcing and using high-quality, locally-sourced ingredients. By partnering with local farmers and suppliers to source fresh hops, malt, and other essential brewing ingredients, the brewery not only ensures the freshness and quality of their beers but also supports the local community. This commitment to using the best ingredients available contributes to the distinct flavors and exceptional quality of Mountain Culture’s beers, setting them apart in a competitive craft beer market.

Collaborations and Partnerships

When it comes to collaborations and partnerships, Mountain Culture Brewing has always believed in the power of teamwork. By joining forces with other breweries and businesses, they’ve been able to create unique and innovative brews that push the boundaries of traditional beer-making. These collaborations have not only allowed Mountain Culture to learn and grow as brewers but have also fostered a sense of community within the craft beer industry.

Through partnerships with like-minded breweries and local artisans, Mountain Culture has been able to experiment with new ingredients and brewing techniques, resulting in exciting and diverse beer offerings for their customers. These collaborations have also opened up opportunities for Mountain Culture to reach a wider audience and showcase their passion for quality craft beer. Working hand-in-hand with others in the industry has been a cornerstone of Mountain Culture’s success, allowing them to continually evolve and stay at the forefront of the craft beer scene.

The Future of Mountain Culture Brewing

The ever-evolving landscape of Mountain Culture Brewing is full of exciting possibilities and potential. With a relentless dedication to crafting top-notch beers and a firm commitment to innovation, the future holds endless opportunities for this dynamic brewery.

As they continue to push the boundaries of traditional brewing techniques and explore new flavors and styles, Mountain Culture Brewing is poised to make a significant impact on the craft beer industry. By staying true to their passion for quality and their unwavering pursuit of excellence, they are set to captivate beer enthusiasts and solidify their position as a leading force in the brewing world.

Advice for Aspiring Brewers

For aspiring brewers looking to carve their path in the craft beer industry, one crucial piece of advice is to never stop learning. Embrace every opportunity to expand your knowledge, whether it’s through formal brewing courses, hands-on experience, or networking with seasoned professionals in the field. The brewing world is constantly evolving, so staying informed about the latest trends, techniques, and ingredients will set you apart in the competitive market.

Another key element for aspiring brewers is to hone your palate and develop a deep appreciation for diverse beer styles. Take the time to explore a wide range of beers from different breweries, both locally and internationally, to understand the complexities of flavors, aromas, and brewing processes. Building a strong foundation of sensory skills and taste preferences will not only help you craft exceptional beers but also inspire creativity and innovation in your brewing endeavors.